The VIGITHERM GST 100 HX, rated for ATEX Zone 20 for continuous dust applications. Equipped with PT100 sensors, these devices require connection to an appropriate signal conditioning device. Featuring a lug style terminal for easy attachment to 1/8 or ¼ inch grease fittings and a Teflon coated, braided cable with a length of 3 meters. Operating temperatures range from 100°C in ATEX zones to 180°C in non-ATEX environments. These devices offer seamless connectivity, directly linking to a central control area or the hazard monitor M-JET+.



VIGITHERM GST 100 HX, hodnotený pre ATEX Zónu 20 pre nepretržité aplikácie s prachom. Vybavený senzormi PT100, tieto zariadenia vyžadujú pripojenie k vhodnému zariadeniu na spracovanie signálu. S terminálom vo forme ucha pre jednoduché pripojenie k mazacím bodom 1/8 alebo ¼ palca a s Teflonom potiahnutým, pleteným káblom s dĺžkou 3 metrov. Prevádzkové teploty sa pohybujú od 100 °C v ATEX zónach po 180 °C v ne-ATEX prostrediach. Tieto zariadenia ponúkajú bezproblémovú konektivitu, priamo sa pripájajúca k centrálnej kontrolnej oblasti alebo monitoru rizík M-JET+.

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Technické Špecifikácie

The VIGITHERM GST 100 HX, rated for ATEX Zone 20 for continuous dust applications. Equipped with PT100 sensors, these devices require connection to an appropriate signal conditioning device. Featuring a lug style terminal for easy attachment to 1/8 or ¼ inch grease fittings and a Teflon coated, braided cable with a length of 3 meters. Operating temperatures range from 100°C in ATEX zones to 180°C in non-ATEX environments. These devices offer seamless connectivity, directly linking to a central control area or the hazard monitor M-JET+.
The VIGITHERM GST 100 HX, rated for ATEX Zone 20 for continuous dust applications. Equipped with PT100 sensors, these devices require connection to an appropriate signal conditioning device. Featuring a lug style terminal for easy attachment to 1/8 or ¼ inch grease fittings and a Teflon coated, braided cable with a length of 3 meters. Operating temperatures range from 100°C in ATEX zones to 180°C in non-ATEX environments. These devices offer seamless connectivity, directly linking to a central control area or the hazard monitor M-JET+.