The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG, a PT 100 Class B ATEX Certified bearing temperature sensor tailored for ATEX Zone 21 dust environments. To ensure safe operation in ATEX zones, these devices must be connected through an intrinsic safety barrier. Equipped with PT100 sensors, they necessitate connection to a suitable signal conditioning device. With a ¼ inch grease fitting adapter and a 10-meter Teflon-coated, braided cable, these sensors can withstand temperatures up to +250°C. The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG can be connected directly to a central control area or to the hazard monitor M-JET+.



VIGITHERM GST 100 LG predstavuje senzor teploty ložiska certifikovaný ako PT 100 triedy B pre prostredie prachu v oblasti ATEX Zone 21. Na zabezpečenie bezpečnej prevádzky v ATEX zónach sa tieto zariadenia musia pripojiť cez intrinznú bezpečnostnú bariéru. Vybavené senzormi PT100 vyžadujú pripojenie k vhodnému zariadeniu na spracovanie signálu. S adaptérom na 1/4 palca pre prípojku mazu a 10-metrovým teflónom potiahnutým pleteným káblom dokážu tieto senzory odolávať teplotám až do +250 °C. VIGITHERM GST 100 LG je možné priamo pripojiť k centrálnej kontrolnej oblasti alebo k monitoru rizík M-JET+.

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Technické Špecifikácie

The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG, a PT 100 Class B ATEX Certified bearing temperature sensor tailored for ATEX Zone 21 dust environments. To ensure safe operation in ATEX zones, these devices must be connected through an intrinsic safety barrier. Equipped with PT100 sensors, they necessitate connection to a suitable signal conditioning device. With a ¼ inch grease fitting adapter and a 10-meter Teflon-coated, braided cable, these sensors can withstand temperatures up to +250°C. The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG can be connected directly to a central control area or to the hazard monitor M-JET+.
The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG, a PT 100 Class B ATEX Certified bearing temperature sensor tailored for ATEX Zone 21 dust environments. To ensure safe operation in ATEX zones, these devices must be connected through an intrinsic safety barrier. Equipped with PT100 sensors, they necessitate connection to a suitable signal conditioning device. With a ¼ inch grease fitting adapter and a 10-meter Teflon-coated, braided cable, these sensors can withstand temperatures up to +250°C. The VIGITHERM GST 100 LG can be connected directly to a central control area or to the hazard monitor M-JET+.