The scraper or chain conveyor is a seamless transport system where bulk cargoes smoothly navigate a secure chute. Traction chain-mounted scrapers navigate through a bulk cargo layer, enabling transportation in horizontal, inclined (up to 45°), and combined horizontal-inclined positions.The raw material is loaded into the enclosed casing, and the product is then transported to the discharge area by the pulling conveyor  section, which consists of a chain with cleats.


A nyersanyagot a zárt burkolatba töltik, majd a terméket a kiszállítási területre szállítják a húzó szállítószakasz segítségével, amely egy bordás láncból áll.

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The continuous belt conveyor, featuring a belt as its working body, smoothly transports bulk cargo. It ensures safety transportation and minimal damage during the movement of grain crops. The conveyor operates horizontally, at a -10° to +30° inclined position, and in a horizontal-inclined combination. Bulk material is efficiently guided into a bulk chute with a flow former and transported to the unloading point. Comprising a drive unit, tensioning unit, and conveyor sections with supporting rollers, it is designed for reliable performance.The bulk material is deposited into the charging hopper of the  conveyor belt, and it is efficiently conveyed to the discharging area by the load-bearing elevator  mechanism – the belt.


A szállítószalag betöltő garatjába helyezik az ömlesztett anyagot, amelyet hatékonyan szállít a kirakodási területre a teherbíró emelő mechanizmus – a szalag – segítségével.

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The sealed belt conveyor , incorporating a belt as its working body, ensures continuous bulk cargo transportation in various positions. Its unique design includes a unit with specially designed supporting rollers, placing bearings outside the dusty zone. The idle flight, equipped with ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene PE-1000 lining, offers low friction and high wear resistance.The sealed belt conveyor  serves as a continuous transport system with a functional component in the shape of a belt. It facilitates the movement of bulk cargo in horizontal, inclined (-10° to +30°), and combined horizontal-inclined positions.


A zárt szalagszállító folyamatos szállítórendszerként szolgál, amelynek munkatestje egy szalag formájában működik. Lehetővé teszi az ömlesztett rakomány vízszintes, ferde (-10° és +30° közötti) és kombinált vízszintes-ferde helyzetben történő mozgatását.

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The continuous bucket-type belt elevator, featuring a belt with attached buckets as its working mechanism, efficiently transports bulk cargoes vertically. It guarantees safety transportation and minimal damage during the movement of grain crops. The loading boot efficiently receives bulk material, which is then scooped up by buckets and raised along the working box. Centrifugal unloading of buckets occurs in the elevator head. With their low energy consumption, bucket elevators stand out as the optimal choice for vertical transportation needs.The bulk material is introduced into the buckets, initiated by the elevator, scooped by the buckets, and subsequently elevated through the operational duct. At the head of the bucket elevator, the discharge of the buckets occurs centrifugally.


A ömlesztett anyagot a vödrökbe vezetik, amelyeket a felvonó indít el, a vödrök összegyűjtik, majd a működési csatornán keresztül felemelik. A serleges felvonó fejénél a vödrök centrifugálisan ürítik ki a tartalmukat.

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